Choosing the Right Commercial Mail Drop Box

September 3, 2013


For both package delivery and daily mail delivery, residents and business tenants alike can rely on a commercial mail drop box from the MailboxWorks to provide a secure and convenient solution.

However, the wide range of commercial mail drop boxes can make selecting the right one a challenge. In this article, we’ll explore three key decision points to help you choose the best commercial drop box mailbox for your property. These three primary decision points include:

  1. Volume of mail
  2. Retrieve your mail from front or back
  3. Mailbox height

Volume of Mail & PackagesOasis Drop Box Standard Post

First, consider the volume of mail you’ll receive and the typical size of packages you expect to arrive.

Consider the Auth Florence vertical mailboxes, also known as Aluminum Vertical 120 Collection boxes, for private mail delivery with low mail volume and no package needs. For modest mail volume with small packages, the Oasis Locking Drop Box or post-mounted dVault mailbox are good options.

For higher mail volume and moderate package sizes, consider the Versatile Standard Pedestal drop box, dVault drop box, or Elephantrunk parcel drop box by Architectural Mailboxes.

Architectural Mailboxes Elephantrunk Parcel DropHow Do You Want to Retrieve your Mail?

Second, decide if you want to retrieve mail and packages from the same side they’re delivered (street side) or from the reverse side of the commercial drop box.

Most locking drop box mailboxes offer front access. They have a locking door, allowing you to retrieve mail and packages from the same side as delivery.

There are many examples of front access drop box mailboxes. These include the Oasis drop boxes, dVault post mount drop boxes, Versatile drop boxes, and the Elephantrunk drop boxes by Architectural Mailboxes.

Only two dVault drop box options offer rear access for drop box mailboxes.

Desired Mailbox Height

Third, consider the height of the commercial mail drop box.

Many tenants and mailbox users prefer to retrieve their mail and packages at chest height without bending over. Opening the drop box door at this level allows users to see inside the mailbox easily. They can avoid stooping or bending their knees.

Mailbox users might consider a commercial drop box mailbox on a post. Options include the 40-inch-tall Oasis pedestal mount drop box or the dVault post mount mailbox.

For those wanting a taller option, the Versatile pedestal drop box stands at 56 inches. MailboxWorks also offers a variety of choices for users who aren’t concerned with the mailbox height.

Find the Perfect Commercial Mail Drop Box for Your Needs

Selecting the right commercial mail drop box ensures secure, efficient mail and package handling for residents and businesses alike. By considering mail volume, access preferences, and mailbox height, you can find a drop box that suits both functionality and convenience.

Ready to enhance your mail and package delivery? Explore MailboxWorks’ extensive range of commercial drop boxes today and connect with our experts to make the best choice for your property.


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