5 Things Your Mailbox Supplier Won’t Tell You but Should
In this MailboxWorks post we share 5 mailbox supplier tips – things you should be aware of that most suppliers don’t want you to know.
1. They never see the mailboxes they sell you.
Most drop-ship mailbox suppliers operate off a kitchen countertop and they “drop ship” every mailbox they sell.
Drop shipping is when your mailbox purchase is not shipped from the company you purchase it from but rather from their vendor. This is not always an indication of a poor mailbox supplier. Nearly every supplier will drop ship some of their mailboxes in order to help you save on shipping costs. Experienced mailbox suppliers however are fully knowledgable about the intricacies of the mailboxes they sell.
Mailbox Supplier Tip #1 – To determine whether your mailbox supplier drops ships everything they sell or not, just look for an actual physical address that you can Google.
2. They don’t know whether the USPS will allow you to actually use the mailboxes they sell.
Their website is designed to push and promote the mailboxes that offer them the largest profit from your purchase. If you buy a mailbox system that the USPS no longer allows, then these mailbox suppliers will tell you it’s your problem.
Mailbox Supplier Tip #2 – If you are purchasing a commercial mailbox, the mailbox supplier should inform you that your purchase is either a private mailbox that does not meet USPS regulations or a commercial mailbox that does comply with USPS requirements.
At the MailboxWorks, we communicate clearly which commercial mailboxes do not comply with USPS requirements.
3. They don’t have a clue about mailboxes.
They started selling mailboxes online by copying and pasting a template from their pesticide website that didn’t work out. They just changed a few colors. Certainly, they hope their new template will be around if you need a refund or a warranty claim on your mailbox but who knows?
Mailbox Supplier Tip #3 – Check your mailbox supplier’s longevity. If their website does not post how many years they’ve been in business, look for a supplier that does. Mailbox suppliers that have been in business for more than twenty years are much more likely to be there for you in the next twenty years.
The MailboxWorks has been a leading provider of mailboxes across North America since 1989. If you are a sophisticated builder or architect looking at the needs of a large development or apartment complex, we can provide expert guidance and specs on all our commercial mailboxes including cluster mailboxes (CBU mailboxes), horizontal mailboxes, mailbox shelters, and more. If you are a residential home owner or looking for mailboxes for your homeowner’s association (HOA), we can provide expert guidance in selecting the perfect residential mailbox or cluster mailboxes or multi-mount mailboxes for your needs.
4. They’re not looking at what you need.
Some online mailbox providers are merely a mailbox manufacturer trying to figure out how to sell you their manufactured mailboxes. They took their wholesale catalogs and just posted them online hoping people might understand what they sell.
Mailbox Supplier Tip #4 – Remember, manufacturers only care about selling you their mailboxes. Instead of listening carefully to your needs and offering you several choices of mailboxes from a variety of mailbox manufacturers, their only option is to sell you what they have not what you need.
At The MailboxWorks, we carry a wide variety of mailboxes from dozens of mailbox manufacturers. We will help you find the perfect mailbox for your home or business. Whether you are looking for a commercial mailbox, a residential mailbox, a cluster mailbox, horizontal mailbox, wall mount mailbox, post mount mailbox, or a novelty mailbox, we have an incredibly wide selection for your exact needs.
5. They bait and switch.
They offer a low price on a single mailbox component to end your efforts at comparison shopping and then nickel and dime you once you start the buying process with them on everything else.
Mailbox Supplier Tip #5 – If you are buying a mailbox and need the post and accessories like a newspaper holder or address numbers on the mailbox, look for a mailbox retailer that offers a package deal. You’ll not only get the savings you are looking for, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your mailbox, post and accessories not only fit together perfectly but also coordinate well. At The MailboxWorks, we offer complete mailbox packages so you know you have every component you need.
Choose a Mailbox Supplier You Can Trust
Not all mailbox suppliers are the same. Many prioritize profits over customer service, leaving buyers with the wrong products, hidden fees, or no support when they need it most. A trusted supplier should offer expert guidance, a wide selection of mailboxes, and clear communication about USPS regulations. At The MailboxWorks, we take pride in providing high-quality mailboxes, honest service, and complete mailbox packages tailored to your needs.
Don’t settle for less! Explore our selection of residential and commercial mailboxes today. Visit our product page now to find the perfect mailbox solution for your home or business!
Categorized in: Mailbox Tips & General Information