Four Great Reasons for Installing Multi Mount Mailboxes

February 22, 2025

Whitehall Mailboxes Triple PostResidential multi mount mailboxes by The MailboxWorks are simply post mount mailboxes gang-mounted together in a single location, typically on one or two mailbox posts.

For developers and homeowner associations, the primary reason multi mount mailboxes are installed is directly related to cost savings. But there are four reasons beyond the obvious cost savings rationale that lift the decision to install multi unit post mount mailboxes to “no brainer” status.

  1. Improved delivery times for mail and newspapers
  2. Enhanced community interaction
  3. Neighborhood branding
  4. Cost effective mailbox installation

Improved Mail Delivery

First, multi mount mailboxes improve mail route delivery times. Simply put, multi unit post mount mailboxes help residents get their mail and package deliveries earlier in the day since the postal carrier makes significantly fewer stops along the mail route. In fact, multi mount mailboxes are preferred by both residents and the United States Postal Service. Plus, for the same reasons, multi unit post mount mailboxes outfitted with optional mailbox newspaper holders, also improve delivery times for newspaper carriers as they result in immediate efficiencies to delivery time required per route.

Better Community Interaction

Multi mount mailboxes also enhance community within the neighborhood. Because the multi unit post mount mailboxes are centrally located for several residents, it’s highly probable that residents, who may miss meeting each other in other settings, will end up connecting with each other at their curbside mailboxes.  And because homeowners begin to connect, not only does the neighborhood benefit through the networking that takes place, but the fact that neighbors begin to know each other adds a significant layer of safety to the community.

Gaines Signature Keystone Mailbox Pentad PostUniform Look & Feel for Neighborhood Mailboxes

Multi unit post mount mailboxes provide a unique and striking way to “brand” the neighborhood.  Because multi mount mailboxes have an inherent uniform look and feel, the various style and colors chosen by a neighborhood serve as a strong brand statement for the community.

Lower Installation Costs

Finally, multi mount mailboxes simply are the most cost-efficient way to install curbside post mount mailboxes in a new neighborhood (or to update an existing neighborhood).  Curbside mailbox posts provide the builder, the homeowner’s association or the developer with the ability to mount up to five post mount mailboxes on a single mailbox post.  This option not only provides significant material cost savings (as purchasing individual posts for each mailbox is no longer necessary) it also significantly reduces labor costs to install the multi mount mailboxes. Simply stated, it’s just easier to dig one hole, using one bag of concrete mix, and place one post for five residential post mount mailboxes, than it is to install 5 mailboxes separately on 5 mailbox posts.

For builders, developer, and HOA’s seeking the broadest choices in multi mount mailboxes, The MailboxWorks offers the greatest selection in the nation, offering an extensive selection of post mount mailbox styles and configurations.

Popular Multi Mount Mailboxes

Whitehall multi mount mailboxes span from two to four mailboxes per post depending on one’s specifications. Decorative mailbox posts have both options to select a post cuff to provide a polished look to the base of the unit, and options to select newspaper holders as well.

The Coronado multi mount mailbox configurations are available in two, three or four mailboxes per post and can be ordered with either a standard mount post or a deluxe mount mailbox post.  Configurations can be mixed and matched within the neighborhood so that some residences may be serviced by a four-ganged-unit while others have two mailboxes per post.

The basic yet functional design of the Oasis multi mount mailboxes provide identity and mail theft protection because of their enhanced, secure locking protection.  Economically priced, these secure multi mount residential mailboxes are available in two large sizes. Both are available with a standard or deluxe mailbox post and can be configured with two, three or four mailboxes per post.

Keystone mailboxes are offered in a double pedestal post and can be ordered with locking mailboxes or non-locking mailboxes. Any configuration or option available in a single mailbox is also available on the double deluxe mailbox post to ensure neighborhood consistency.

Gaines offers two styles of multi mount mailboxes:

  1. Gaines Decorative mailboxes
  2. Gaines Decorative Signature Series mailboxes

Both styles are offered in tri-mount, quad-mount and even pentad-mount options and all include two beautiful posts instead of a single post mount, which provides for better stability.

Regardless of which multi mount mailboxes you desire the nation’s largest retailer of multi mount mailboxes, the MailboxWorks, can meet your need.

Advantages of Multi-Mount Mailboxes: A Summary

Concluding our exploration of multi-mount mailboxes, it’s evident that these versatile mail solutions bring a host of benefits to any community or commercial setting. From fostering a unified aesthetic to enhancing convenience and security, multi-mount mailboxes are a smart choice for efficient mail and package delivery.

Elevate Your Community with Unified Mail Solutions

Explore our selection of multi-mount mailboxes to find the perfect blend of functionality and style for your neighborhood or business complex. Whether you’re aiming to streamline mail collection, boost curb appeal, or secure sensitive correspondence, our range offers durable and attractive options to meet your specific needs

Considering an upgrade to multi-mount mailboxes? Our expert team is ready to assist you in making an informed choice that benefits your community or commercial space. For guidance or to view our offerings, reach out at 1-866-717-4943 or through our contact page. Discover how multi-mount mailboxes can transform your mail delivery experience at MailboxWorks, where practicality meets aesthetic appeal for a cohesive and secure mailing solution.


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