3 Tips for Upgrading the Look of Florence CBU Mailboxes

February 17, 2025

Florence 16 Door Traditional Bronze CBUWise property managers fully grasp that installing CBU commercial mailboxes or residential CBU mailboxes has myriad advantages such as better tenant-to-tenant relationships, a much better perceived sense of security, and significant improvements in the efficiencies associated with retrieving tenant mail.

And while all of these advantages are a major plus in driving tenant retention rates north, sometimes the utilitarian style of Florence CBU mailboxes needs to be ascetically treated in order to fit into the overall residential or commercial property design.

In this article, we will reveal three key tips for upgrading the simple, utilitarian look of Florence CBU mailboxes including:

  1. CBU Mailbox Finishes
  2. CBU Mailbox Accessories Kits
  3. Improving the Landscaping around CBU Mailboxes

Choosing the CBU Mailbox Finish

The first and most simple tip to upgrading the ascetic fit of new CBU mailboxes is to consider the kind of CBU mailbox finish that best suits your development.

As experienced property managers know, the majority of Florence CBU mailboxes at other properties are finished in either a tan sandstone finish or a postal grey finish.

To set your CBU mailboxes apart without any additional expense, simply select one of the alternative custom finishes such as black, forest green, dark bronze or white.  Simply choose a CBU mailbox finish that either complements or contrasts with your property.

Add a CBU Mailbox Accessories Kit

The second tip to upgrading the overall look of Florence CBU mailboxes at one’s property is to order one of the three stunning mailbox accessory kits:

  1. Vogue Traditional – Colonial Design
  2. Vogue Classic – Renaissance Design
  3. Decorative Stucco Column – West Coast Inspired

The CBU mailbox accessories kit creates an architectural statement for the Florence CBU mailboxes and can be ordered in any of the CBU mailbox finishes.

Vogue Traditional – The first of three popular CBU mailbox accessories kits is the elegant Colonial design entitled “Vogue Traditional” that has a sloped roof cap topped with a ball finial. The Vogue Traditional mailbox kit is easily mounted atop the CBU mailboxes and a pedestal enclosure, which turns the plain square pedestal post into a fluted circular column.  These pedestal enclosures come complete with a flared bottom so that the column look is complete and, as a bonus, the gritty intersection of the mailbox post and ground is hidden.

Vogue Classic – The second popular CBU mailbox accessories kit for Florence CBU mailboxes is the clean Renaissance look of the Vogue Classic accessory kit.  This mailbox kit tops the CBU mailboxes with a crisp crown molding and flat roof, and accentuates the pedestal with a square fluted column that, like the Vogue Traditional design, completes the look and hides the often grungy ground to mailbox post intersection.

Decorative Stucco Column – One of the newest accessory kits for CBU mailboxes is a west-coast inspired “Decorative Stucco Column” that completely wraps the CBU mailboxes, and tops it with angular roofline to create a full rectangular shape for the CBU mailboxes rather than just hiding the post column. These decorative stucco columns for CBU mailboxes are easy to install and can be painted to match any aesthetic or design concerns.

Improve the Landscaping Around CBU Mailboxes

The third tip to upgrading the overall look of Florence CBU mailboxes is to engage a landscaper or landscape architect to plant trees, bushes, and flowers near the residential or commercial CBU mailboxes in order to soften the hard metallic look of these key property features.

While landscapers should take care to avoid creating landscapes that attract bees or create too much privacy (and hence security concerns), the very addition of a few inexpensive plants can greatly enhance the appeal of Florence CBU mailboxes into the overall property design.


In conclusion, enhancing the appearance of Florence CBU mailboxes is essential for property managers aiming to improve tenant satisfaction and integrate these functional units seamlessly into the property’s aesthetic. By selecting the right finishes, adding stylish accessory kits, and improving the surrounding landscaping, you can transform the utilitarian look of Florence CBU mailboxes into attractive elements that contribute positively to your property’s overall design and tenant experience.

Take action today to elevate the curb appeal of your residential or commercial properties. Explore the variety of customization options available for Florence CBU mailboxes and start making strategic upgrades that not only look great but also enhance tenant satisfaction. Visit our product page now to choose the perfect enhancements for your Florence CBU mailboxes! Click here to start upgrading your mailboxes!

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