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Address Plaques & House Numbers FAQ

What kinds of plaques and signs do you sell?

-Wall Plaques
-Lawn Plaques
-Hanging Signs
-Commercial Signs
-Mailbox Plaques (front, side, and toppers)

What are the different style options for plaques and house signs? 

From traditional arch-shaped address signs to rectangular plaques, you can choose multiple design choices to accent your home’s or business’s unique and inviting style. Our plaques are available in both horizontal and vertical layouts.

You can also choose the perfect color to match your home exterior. For example, you can purchase a sleek, black address sign or brighten your home exterior with red, green, or bronze (among several other colors).

Can I purchase reflective or lighted plaques and house signs? 

Of course! Here, you will find plaques with reflective surfaces and solar lighting accessories. With a reflective plaque, visitors can see your home easily at night. Similarly, a solar light (purchased as an accessory) ensures your guests can easily find your home after dark. For greater visibility, you can configure and purchase a double-sided plaque or house sign to place near the curb.

Are there any USPS requirements for house numbers and address plaques?

For specification info, please visit this USPS FAQ page for information on proper Address Identification.

If you still have a question that wasn’t answered by this FAQ page, please get in touch with our mailbox experts! We are ready to help.